This once numerous bird has become a rare sight in the mountains at Runde. The guillemot differs from the other auks here in that it has a thin beak and a brown-black head. They are in full breeding season in April, and can be seen on Rundefjellet until August. The guillemot lays its eggs on mountain shelves, and when the chicks leave the nest it is not uncommon for them to just take off and jump. They can fall from a staggering 250 metres! Guillemots are very social birds and live in pairs, but they are no strangers to being social with other guillemots too.
The guillemot is a skilled diver that hunts underwater. It has evolved in a way that it swims with its wings underwater. It can dive very deep and has been observed at a depth of 140 metres!
If you want to see the guillemots you should bring a good pair of binoculars and go to “Kaldekloven” and scout in the direction of the gannet colony. If you're lucky, you'll see guillemots as well! They can also be easily seen during a boat tour.