"The Bag Crab - A Life Story". Sunday lecture with Snorre Bakke

Snorre Bakke is an associate professor at NTNU in Ålesund. In his doctoral thesis, he has studied the biology of the edible crab. Together with two co-authors, he recently published the book "KRABBEN - et biologisk og kulturhistorisk portrett". The book provides broad coverage of the life of the edible crab and its importance to us as a fishery and food resource.
The lecture is a story (illustrated with nice pictures) where we get to follow the crab from larvae to adulthood. We join the crab in its life as a "youth", the hunt for food, the struggle to survive and the search for a mate. The way we humans exploit the crab through fishing is also part of the story. During the lecture, various curious topics are brought up, such as: "How old does the crab get?", "How hard do you pinch the crab?", "Does the crab feel pain when it is cooked?" and "Is it dangerous to eat crab?".
Start time: 15.00
Entrance fee: Kr 50,-
Café and visitor center open from 11:00 - 17:00. Serving dinner, coffee and cakes.
Welcome to an exciting session!