Sunday activity on April 23rd: "GOLD - a shining story"

<span>Welcome to a fascinating gold talk! Author John R. Pettersen will read, narrate, and showcase pictures from the book "Gull - en skinnende historie" ("Gold - a Shining History").</span>
For thousands of years, gold has been a sign of wealth. People have been fascinated by this shiny metal ever since the first gold nuggets were found. Gold has led to wars and conflicts. Gold has led people to go on adventures.
Why is this so? And what is gold? Where does it come from?
Is it true that gold is stardust?
"GOLD - a shining story" is a book about gold treasures, gold digging and gold robbers - about gold money, gold art and the history of gold.
The Runde Treasure, the gold treasure from the shipwreck of the Akerendam off the coast of Runde in 1725, holds a central place in the book.
Initially intended as a factual/non-fiction book for children aged 10-14, the book has generated significant interest among adults as well.
Author John Roald Pettersen lives in Ålesund and has a background as an educator, journalist and author. He has written more than 20 books, many of them on historical and cultural history topics.
Date: April 23rd
Start: 15:00
Entrance fee 50,- per adult, 25,- for children. Includes a visit to the exhibition to see a real gold treasure.
Café and exhibition open from 12:00-17:00 serving food, coffee and cakes