Opplev Runde is a part of Runde Environmental Center

The puffin says goodbye for this year!

After the end of the breeding season, the puffin travels out to sea again. It will stay there until spring, when it will come in again and provide for the dizzying life in the bird mountain. There is still activity on the mountain, but the nesting season is coming to an end, also for the other birds that nest here.

If you travel to Rundfjellet now in mid-August, you will experience a different sight than earlier in the year. When the young are old enough to leave the nest, the adult puffins also fly out to sea, and it becomes difficult to spot them.  

The other auk species have also left the island, but it is still possible to see a few birds. There is still a lot of life though! The gannets are still feeding their chicks, and the eagles know that it is possible to get food from them. If you are traveling on the marshland, you may also see the great skua that steal food from the gannets. Although the puffins have left their nest, it is important to note that the access ban applies from 15th March to 31th August. It is also worth remembering that even if the ban is lifted, one must enter the breeding site with care!

We wish you a good trip!

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